About the Palm Springs Region

Elynn Kennedy's Vision

 We are pleased to announce the official creation of Southern California's newest region in the Porsche Club of America, the Palm Springs Region. Founded in 2023, our group of enthusiastic Porsche owners are excited and grateful to have the opportunity to expand our participation in local, regional, and national Porsche club activities and events.

Our guiding force in this endeavor was Elynn Kennedy, a passionate Porsche owner with the idea and vision to start the process of region formation in our Greater Palm Springs-Coachella Valley area. Upon getting her first Porsche with her husband Ralph, she discovered that there were many Porsche owners but little organized social and driving activities originating in our area. As a PCA member and officer of an adjacent region, Elynn, as Vice-President and Membership Chair, worked tirelessly to grow activities and events that would contribute to club growth in the Coachella Valley. 

Elynn’s leadership example sparked a core of local Porsche enthusiasts to plan and implement driving tours, breakfasts, dinners, and other social activities, with the goal of eventually creating a PCA Region in our geographically separate and unique desert valley. As the plans took shape, the word spread and the activity participation grew exponentially. With the friendship, support and backing of our local Porsche dealer, Porsche Palm Springs, our activity participation and growth expanded even further. 

We thank all who have supported us and participated in our events and activities, to Elynn Kennedy and her vision, and we dedicate our future success as a new Porsche Club of America Region to her memory.

PCA - Palm Springs Region Team
Fueled by Volunteers!

Volunteers needed! Come join us in managing and growing our club!
Jeff Berzon
Dealership Liaison
Insurance Chair
Jeff's Email

James Linnell

James's Email
Allison Linnell

Allison's Email
Ralph Kennedy

Ralph's Email
Sandi Dennison-Laufer
Membership Chair

Sandi's Email
Scott Hetzel
Director at Large
Technical & Safety Chair

Scott's Email
Barbara Berzon
Awards & Special Events Chair
Charitable Contributions & Funds Raising Chair
Barbara's Email
Darrell Esparza
Carl Laufer
Director at Large
Social Media/Events & Tours Chair
Database & Webmaster
Carl's Email
Linda Cobarrubias
Charitable Contribution & Funds Raising Committee

Linda's Email
Madeline Martin
Goodie Store Chair

Madeline's Email
Jeff Szpunar
Official Publications Chair
Newsletter Editor
Lori DeCristo
Zone 8 Representative

Nomination Committee Chair
DE-AX Chair
Advertising Chair